πα½ B ^
πα½ - Wed, 22 Jan 2020 07:20:43 +0200 .. Thu, 06 Feb 2020 15:39:01 +0200

Solar and sunspot videos

This is just prepared to explain little more...

Education preview videos:
(I'm not going to explain that much more now... It's short knowledge and art without words...)

That artistically-looking multi-color is my version of PM NAFE +DoG... (Planckian Mapping, Noise Adaptive Fuzzy Equalization, Difference of Gaussians sharping) It's slow and it has been computing much more time than downloading raw FITS sources...

But if you look for Art in Science, ask about prof. Druckmuller, he invented that PM NAFE algorithm and it's much nicer...

What is a Sunspot and how it's colors are related?

201304_O1_combined_1280x1024_8Mbps.avi (avi 233 Mb, 03:57 = 4 minutes) (jpg 3x3 large)
(From SDO - Solar Dynamics Observatory, yellow is visible HMIIF, yellow-green on gray background is magnetogram HMIB, red is EUV (extreme ultra-violet) 304 A from AIA, yellow is EUV 171 A from AIA, brown is 304+171+211 A from AIA, combined by PM/NAFE+DoG, colors encode temperature with light-blue most hot somewhere arround 1e6 K, and there is combined Magnetogram+PmNafe sequence...)

What is a Sunspot and how it's colors are related? (shorter)

201401_Ar1944_1280x1024_6Mbps.avi (avi 120Mb, 02:44 = 3 minutes) (jpg 4x3 large)
(From SDO - Solar Dynamics Observatory, yellow is visible HMIIF, yellow-green on gray background is magnetogram HMIB, brown is 307+171+211 A from AIA, combined by PM/NAFE+DoG, some very active region in year 2014)

Probably most active region in SC24

201401_O3_1280x1024_8Mbps.avi (avi 227Mb, 03:52 )
(jpg 3x1 large)

Same place after one rotation of Sun

20140126-20140212_O2_1280x1024_8Mbps.avi (avi 251Mb, 04:16 )
(jpg 3x1 large)

Another active region in 2012 with nice view of magnetic loops...

20120112-20120131_1280x1024_8Mbps.avi (avi 103Mb, 01:45 = 2 minutes) (jpg 7x1 large)

Magnetically active year, colored:

(1 hour step, 308Mb avi 10:34, see start and 2014-10)
Magnetically calm year, colored:

(3 hour step, 87Mb avi, 03:59)

And here is a Magnetic Map of Sun showing surface flow of differential rotation and an evolution of a Sunspot Cycle...
The past maps, of cause, because it is an alive map...

Some part is as viewed, and some part is just interpolated...
(It's continual...)

(That is a science, how to "see" on other side of Sun... In interpolation later (after the next turn), but it is not perfect... Better would be to send there Stereo2 soon enough, the "cosmic fireworks" already started... Elon Musk is probably fastest in development of space-ships...? And the missions should always overlap to compare differences and callibrate...)

SC 24:

SC24 - SDO HMIB 2010-05 .. 2019-02 (avi 98Mb, 04:28)

SC 23:

SC23 - SOHO MDI 1996-04 .. 2011-03 (avi 123Mb, 05:35)

Rectangular projection of Solar surface, 360° x 180° (or 1440x720 px)...
Rotation curve is measured (publication is pending), and an "alive" part can be used to verify it...
(Note a difference between sunspot (dis)appearing on front and far side)

Note, that in SC 23 (1996-2008), sunspots on northern hemisphere are green (positive) on right (leading) side and yellow (negative) on left (trailing) side, and on southern hemisphere it is opposite,
and in SC 24 (2010-2020) it is opposite, with sunspots on northern hemisphere yellow (negative) on right (leading) side and green (positive) on left (trailing) side, and on southern hemisphere it is opposite...

Solar Cycle 25 Started on Remarkable Times ... (PDF)

And note - there are not "old news" on Sun, but archives are being combed, not erased... At least 1-hour precision should be retained from very long time ago...
(Hřebenová metoda...)


And a link to professor Druckmuller with a sample of, what really is "Art in Science"...
***** (I'll try to ask later, if it matters, that I publish it like this... And I'm not "Everyone" and I can be somehow cheeky...)
A sample from PM NAFE, a sample from eclipse...
The NAFE video is art and science, because the colors express temperatures...
The Eclipse is art and science, and it is not repeatable and even NASA cannot do this from space...
(There is much more on his web-page, this is just my illustrative selection)

Můj nápad:

A nejlepší ze stážistů u professora D. z Brna s ním bude moci jet
s batůžkem přes půl planety a tisíc kilometrů s jeepem, aby tam nafotil také zatmění,
ale také aby tam nafotil deset obrázků oblohy v noci se stejnou optikou...
Protože to tím zkalibruje...
I jpeg se dá změřit na decipixel, ale každá optika a chip zanáší o kus a každá jinak,
ale hvězdy jsou zkatalogizované na "mas" (milli arc second)...
Aby tam těch hvězd bylo tak max 100 ale rozhodně ne 10000...

A nevím, kolik se jich do jeepu vejde, ale měli by se zálohovat a být tam aspoň dva nebo víc.

Také atmosféra zanáší opticky, a to závisí na teplotě, takže to v noci není stejné, jako přes den...
Ale to se dá podchytit výpočetně...
Nebo to nafotit při půlce zatmění rovnou, místo focení Slunce, prostě s tím hnete stranou o dost...
Což je škoda z těch 4 minut zatmění kus nemít, ale bude vás tam víc a jen někdo to takhle změří...

Proč je dosud nejpřesnější, co změřili Einsteinovi v roce 1919 ?
Je potřeba to změřit přesněji, o kolik to ohýbá světlo kolem Slunce a kde...

A na to je potřeba Eclipse, kde budou dobře hvězdy daleko od Slunce i pár blízko...
(Stačí jich na uchycení v rohu na každé straně pár, a pár doprostřed na změření...)

Což se musí vyhlédnout, která Eclipse je na tohle vhodná, protože ty ani jedna nejsou stejné...

Je to na pár minut neopakovatelný výkon, pro který je potřeba hodně dřiny...
A někde si půjčit "Optiku" (dalekohled,foto,notebook,...)
Což vám někdo půjčí, když jste nadějný...
On tam starší profesor jezdit nemusí sám, on si na to vychová Lidi...

P.A.Semi - πα½, updated 2020-02-06