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Fascism of European Union

(Preliminary translation)

Europe and its people are being preyed upon by a Hydra, which through unelected bureaucrats and a pyramid of evil power strives to dominate and exploit every aspect of our lives.

Coupling of supra-national Corporate Power with Bureaucratic Apparatus of a super-state, waging wars abroad and discrimination and exploitation inside, propaganda worse than Goebbels', exactly fulfills definition of Fascism, which in Mussolini's concept was called Corporatism...

Upon Medi-Fascism of Covid tyranny, when using extortion and discrimination they've been trying to manipulate us into vaxxination genocide - meanwhile paused before another round, they fluently follow up by support of Ukraine nazis and terrorists, striving to exterminate and expulse not only the russian-speaking citizens of eastern Ukraine, but essentially also to push the western Ukrainian citizens into suicidal battlefront and to expel the rest, striving to provoke Russia by this proxy war to defend their compatriots and thereby to destroy it, in the interest of supra-national globalists...
Meanwhile almost everyone came to the notion, that idiotic Sanctions supposedly against Russia are actually damaging foremost the European citizens, industry and economy. That they are continuing with them is unmistakable sign of their Treason against European citizens...

The bigger is the state body, the easier it is for the Corporations to control, and also the less is the Bureaucratic Apparatus transparent. Although there is a semblance of Democracy in the Union in the form of a Parliament, but that only means, that representatives not elected by us but from foreign countries always decide about us without us, because those few of our representatives of our state will always be outvoted by a majority of others, the foreign ones... Soon they would like to eviscerate those last few of our representatives by establishing pan-european candidates?! And soon they will abolish the last semblance of our sovereignty by abolishing the Veto right of individual states, because the only reasonable state, which is Hungary, is hindering their insane and evil plans, except for cases, when they are also coerced to agree by an overt extortion...

The supreme Soviet, which is the European Commission, not elected by anyone but just appointed Bureaucrats, is deciding more and more Autocratically. And not only the artificially evoked scandal during football championship in Qatar in order to smear this Middle East country, from which they expect to buy LNG, which stymies plans of American corporations, but also absolutely nontransparent purchase of Pfizer Vaxxines based upon secret SMS of comrade Leyen and ΕΒΡΑΙΟΣ ΚΤΗΝΙΑΤΡΟΣ Bourla, had shown the deep volume of corruption, significantly eased by the centralization of power seemingly into the hands of few individuals, who just as puppets serve the "influences", which we do not see directly...

Shortly after European Parliament voted for brazen and false accusation of Russsia of Terrorism because of utterly legitimate military operations, while most of the European countries perpetrate Financing and Support of Ukrainian Terrorism, while the Media conceal, how Ukrainians until this time almost daily shell civilians in Donetsk and other cities of Donbas by weapons, which we ill-advisedly deliver there to them, shortly after that the LORD God has written on the Sun: "SAD, EU", that it is "sad"... (Or was there another reason for that inscription?)

The guarantees for nonrefundable debts of €18 billion for a support of the most corrupted and fascist regime in Ukraine and it's Oligarchs, which they agreed upon even against the aversion of commonsensible Hungary, is brazen theft and plundering of European nations... Furthermore it is vile propaganda and mockery of all justice, that this "loan" is utterly contrary to its own article 8.1 (see page 32), that its precondition should be "upholding and respect of effective democratic mechanisms, including a multi-party parliamentary system, and the rule of law, and to guarantee respect for human rights" by Ukraine, while nazi dictator of Ukraine banned all opposition parties and media, and multiple extra-judiciary executions (murders) of civilians happen, and by a diabolical ban of Orthodox Church by Ukrainian Jewish president all freedom of religion has been down-trodden... How do they dare to lie so brazenly and pretend, that on Ukraine there is any "respect of democratic mechanisms" or "guarantee of human rights"? So is that Gift, supposedly a "loan", just a mechanism to extort Ukraine, that if it will resist to wage that proxy-war of West against Russia, the funds would be immediately withheld, because it absolutely does not fulfill their preconditions? Or does the European Union imagine that "Democracy" thus?

As an culmination of arrogance of Power, on the fourth advent Sunday during the night, during the Energy Crisis they intentionally induced, they enacted further massive taxation of house heating and of transport, based upon total and evil lies of "Green Deal" about supposed harmfulness of CO2, which are just a pretext to massively rob European citizens and to destroy our economy using Stock Market Speculations with prices of Emission Allowances, which are main cause of present Energy Crisis... Tax from heat, tax from movement, soon they will impose the tax from air also?! It was shielded by a seemingly Christian politician Jurečka, who somehow forgot the commandment: you will not steal!
CO2 is base condition of green life and its connection with climate is opposite, than what propaganda claims (i.e. increasing concentration of CO2 actually follows after raising of temperatures), and it's limitation is anti-green, their supposed "Green Deal" is actually a "Gray Delirium"...

Meanwhile they strive to destroy European agriculture, destroy cattle farming, ban fertilizers and thereby decrease production and invoke or deepen the Food Crisis, which they plan to solve by eating bugs, foremost because it is satanic spurn of various commandments, which forbid that in the Bible due to good reasons, because chitin from bugs is carcinogenic and alergenic... Don't parties seemingly Christian, but as Christian as Judas, have a problem with that?

Europeans, because and until you don't protest and while you allow them to do that, their oppression will gradate incessantly... Do you think you can still bear that? So it will be even worse, not only now, but also for your children, if there will be any, when they're striving to exterminate and sterilize them by another round of that vaxxination holocaust...

It's necesary to deserve the Freedom, it's not given freely from above, but always time by time won and deserved...

P.A.Semi - πα½ 2022-12-14 .. 21, translated 2022-12-28