But significantly less of you know, that they have been preparing this long time ago by lying about various other things... It's only now, that they reached also into more obviously known and disprovable area of Medicine, that it started to be seen by many, who were previously oblivious of the onion levels of lies below the top...
It depends, how deep you want to go into their onion of lies... The "Whole Truth" is beyond the reach, but the more you know, the more ugly it is... You have been lied to about many things in the past, by Media and Universities and Governments and all other ZOG servants, usually about the more grave ones...
But starting from what many understand today:
They pumped up level of lies gradually - first it was false-flags and coverups, they lied about execution of both Kennedies and invented "Conspiracy Theory" slander to suppress the Truth and truthers...
Then they lied about 9/11, planned and perpetrated by Jews long in advance (it was not only "Inside Job", but mainly "Israeli Job"...), and again they suppressed and slandered everyone who dared to oppose their "MainStream" lies.
Then they lied more about Russia since 2014. First it was Krymea, then they've stolen Honesty of Rio Olympics by unjustly excluding Russians, then the Russia-Gate witch hunt against Donald Trump and his supporters...
About Iran and Syria they are lying consistently and for a long time, and they organized ISIS since 2012 to wreak havoc in the Middle East...
Then they lied more about migrants and blacks, contrasted with sores they pose in proximate reality...
They lie about White People and White Nationalism and Racism and Gender ideologies, and about Jews and their wrong-doing you must not talk at all in wrong, or they'll defame and slander you and push you away into oblivion.
They are lying about Demockracy in USA and denying obvious Biden's Electoral Fraud, the US Theft...
And now they lie completely about Covid, suppressing it's Treatments and pushing the Vax... Many of you could already start to understand, that the Vax was the purpose from the beginning, but only few of you understand why...
(Before that, as the History is written by Winners, they lied about Genocide of Germans by Jews and their stooges during and after WWII, which they instigated for that purpose, which is why they cry so loud about Holocaust, to divert your attention from their own crimes. And about Genocide of Russians and Ukrainians we already know a lot, but many of gullible Western people think or claim it was Stalin's fault, who instead decreased that suffering of Russians in the hands of Judeo-Bolsheviks as soon as he could, which was not soon enough, but if the Trotskyites would have prevailed, it would be far worse, and in the hands of Germans sponsored and incited by Western Freemasons and Jews to attack Russia...)
Many people of the more intelligent and fair ones see the present top level of lies and suppression in Covid Era. The more knowledge and informations you know, the more you see the lies and maybe you think you understand...
To fight "Disinformations", they are releasing more absurd disinformations and distractions and paying their pushers in order to discredit the Truther Movement, which Disinformations are then repeated by many other unsuspecting ones - it's hard to track various Disinformations to their chief original pushers...
And add to this the various UFO allegation distractions pushed by Pentagon and various people deceived by them, and by various masked pranksters, just to amuse you meanwhile to look somewhere else than what would be needed...
The Western Intelligence Agencies fear revealing their role in releasing the Covid bioweapon, so they started multiple levels of lies and assigned distraction roles.
Like Jon R., most probably paid to push the idea, that the Covid virus does not exist at all. (Because he is very obstinate, even if convicted of blunder, in which case he just cancels and bans the commenters and continues with blunders, that more and more seem like lies and not mere blunders...) Like many others, who see the fraud of PCR tests above 35 cycles and then they think it's all only a fraud... (it's a Fraud only partially, the Numbers are manipulated, but somewhere people are really dying...) Like Ethan H. of Natural News, bringing many useful informations, but not forgetting to persistently brainwash in every paragraph about "Chinese Virus" and "Wuhan Flu"... Thank you for your useful information digging, while we understand, what you are talking about, while we strike out the Propaganda, mixed into that... It's as much "Wuhan Flu", as "Hiroshima Bomb" was Japan's fault... They helped to build and sponsored the Coronavirus gain-of-function research in Wuhan, because they knew they would release their bio-weapon there, as planned to harm the Chinese...
But these "Western Intelligence Agencies" and "Deep State" are just middle figures in this chess-play, the planning goes more deep the rabbit and history holes...
Many Americans thought at some time, that Covid was just a psy-op to get rid of Donald Trump, but now as Mr. Trump is gone from political ring, it's obvious that as the Covid psy-op continues, getting rid of Donald Trump was not its main reason, he was just a minor obstacle in their plans, cleverly played to boast of Operation Warp Speed "success" and rivaling swift Russian response...
Now as Biden, Abaddon Apollyon of Revelation 9, is nominally at the helm, but he is now already a senile ruin of previous gangster, but he was pushed and escorted to that position by Jews and Ziochristians from Obama era, surrounding him and engaging in various less important wrong-doings and distractions to look elsewhere, while the planned Vax Genocide continues...
Scheduled to be soon replaced by a vile witch KH, who would not be any better, and who is not even eligible for that position due to her not being natural born citizen... (There are multiple opinions about this, while the Founding Fathers made their intentions quite clear in this case, and the God also has an opinion or advice, that she is "foreign born"...)
They are calming down Patriots with all sorts of lies and hopium of false Q-Anon-like reports, claiming all is being solved from behind the scenes, just wait and hope and wait and hope and wait, until it will be too late...
America is drowning in Lies of all sorts, lies about Demockracy, lies about Covid, lies about vaxes and gender ideologies and racism and all sorts of leftist lies, and lies about military and veterans and various sorts of rightist lies... We hoped it will stop with Trump's victory by exposing Media Lies about The Fraud, and punishing BigTech Fascist and Murderous Censorship, but that did not come, it was usurped by Lies...
In worse case, Trump covertly rules - as some report - via Insurrection Act, which would mean he is part of these all lies and abets them - then you would be doomed, because there would not remain anyone Honest who matters... I rather believe these reports are just a pacifying tactic: "wait, wait, wait, it is being covertly solved..." - until it would be too late to do anything with it...
If it was just a tactic to expose Demonrat wrongdoing and Biden's incompetence, it's already enough, and people are dying from Vax Genocide and will more, which should stop as soon as possible, which will stop, when the BigTech Censorship will be punished and removed...
I don't think this is a right time to wait and wait ...
They've let their slime-ball Majordomo of Davos Group distract and misdirect you by the "Great Reset" and "Freemasons" agenda, so that you see, fear and oppose wrong enemy and different outcome... Those who believe the "Great Reset" is the ultimate goal - just ask yourself, if you think, that in their Technocratic New World Order they would keep all those present billions of people and just rob and enslave all of you, letting you at least survive ? "You will own nothing and you would be happy" is their motto, but they forgot to tell you this is only for the survivors, which does not include you in their real plans... Instead of "Great Reset" there are some, who plan a "Great Genocide" instead, while maybe even most of their lackeys and servants believe it would be only an economic robbery and enslavement of the "peasants", and they would not cooperate on this plan, if they knew, that they are also scheduled for soon disposal...
To better understand their Motives, you should first understand their Philosophy and Ancient Diabolic Plans...
Judaism, as an utmost and unjust Racist and Supremacist Cult, is a Diabolic Cult of Lies and Holocausts - most of their major feasts celebrate some Lie and Mass Murder... (Why "Diabolic" ? Its attributes are Pride, Lies, Fear and Hatred... How can anyone not see these attributes are Diabolic ?)
Holocaust "Shoah" is root of current western evil, because (((they))) use it as an enabler of all their misdeeds by silencing or misdirecting any opposition. Same purpose has an "anti-semitism" label. “Shoah” literally means “Hoax, Falsehood”, derived from word “False” as used in Decalogue Dt5:20 »You will not bear false witness against your neighbour!«. Their chucpe can hardly be more insolent… While most religions celebrate birth of some good hero, who represents love, central figure of this Cult (Hitler) is considered absolute evil and the Cult celebrates mass death… All major feasts of Judaism celebrate some mass murder – Channukah, which is the Luciferian anti-christmas or rather Antichrist-mas, celebrates mass murder of Hellenized Jews (and the lie of eight day oil), Purim celebrates mass murder of Persians by Mordechai (while waiting for God's lot), and it is celebrated by telling various funny lies, while Pascha, which is not Easter, celebrates mass murder of Egyptians, but on this occasion it was allegedly perpetrated by God, they've just smeared their doors with the Lamb blood… “Allegedly”, because only this one of these is mere Allegory or Prophecy, but not a History (yet?)… While their New Year on September is celebrated only occasionally every seven years by committing some שמטה Shmitah {*} (which means "fling-down") or mass murder or some other kind of misdeed, but during each year by reciting Kol Nidrei, a disposal of any future vow, being it civil or religious, which may be considered a solemn intention to lie and not fulfill promises... (But they lie it does not mean all promises, while the text clearly says it does...) Did I omit some major feast of Judaism? Probably some minor feasts like Weeks {*} and Tabernacles (Sukhots) {*}, which is a kind of harvest thanksgiving, are some exception to that rule... (I've almost forgot these two, since they are not celebrated so loudly any more...)
So the "mass murder" and "lie" can be considered a unifying concept behind most of major feasts of Judaism, being it religious Judaism, or as extended as a secular Judaism of the Holocaust Cult and Marxism, and you cannot have a discussion of one of these Holocausts and its historical or religious context without placing it among other feasts of a same kind... Since as the Jews claim, that Holocaust is something unique, unprecedented and unrepeatable in history, the very opposite of that is true, just the victims are sometimes but not always exchanged - for example Channukah celebrates also a mass murder of Hellenized (i.e. modernized) Jews by their fanatic brethren... Which is here to note, that thinking that being a Jew protects you from a revenge of these religious fanatics of Judaism is just short-sighted...
Do you know, what are “Noahides” and what do they plan ?! First Noahide law is death penalty for being a Christian. Second Noahide law is death penalty for being Epicurean (atomic) atheist, or “Blasphemer” against God. You need not be concerned with the other five… Worst on all that is, that they may possibly plan to execute it summarily… Awaiting their “Messiah”, they'll just anoint someone for that, and they've already bred a red heifer in Israel in 2018 and celebrated that loudly… It does not matter, whether you believe a prophecy about red heifer announcing one more in a row of their false Messiahs, what matters is that they believe the time came to start that… If you think it's just a trifle, you underestimate them, it's part of their religious mainstream Cha-bad (Chabad Lubawitch), since Talmud and since Maimonides (Rambam), who was Son of Devil (Ben Mammon) incarnated on Pascha just eleven hundred years after crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but nine hundred years of their false messiah Rambam is already almost over and it comes to the end, not to any other start… I'll supply quotations from “Laws of Kings and Wars” and “Avodah Zarah”, a mainstream Judaism on Cha-bad website...
But absolute Crown of all Jewish Lies, and the most dangerous one, is, that these laws supposedly come from Torah:
Genesis 2:16 wrote:
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden to eat you will eat.
From this sentence Gn 2:16 and from Gn 9:6 they devise in revengeful Talmud Sanhedrin (*) 56b (bottom of page 252 in that pdf) those seven Noahide laws were allegedly commanded. Here you may see their Youtube video, how an exemplary liar rabbi (Moshe Weiner, skip to time 1:56) looks, when he explains that without telling, what the laws are about...
These weird laws are supposed to be applied, and in their interpretation of Talmud killing of Christians will need to be finalized, when they will introduce their “King Messiah” we call “Antichrist”, as falsely interpreted by Son of Devil Ben Mammon (Maimonides), and until this day their rabbis teach that in Hebrew... (they'll probably won't tell you that in English...) According to Red Heifer (see last verse) it will be sometimes in August or September of 2021 or 2022 (both possible)...
For Christians, here you can inspect in their source, that by “Idolatry” this Maimonides (Ben Mammon) considers “Minim” to mean foremost Christianity, in book "Mishneh Torah" (means among else "modification of Torah") in Avodas Zarah originally named Avodat Kokavim chapter 10 and Avodas Zarah chapter 5 (I'll explain the names "Avodot Kokavim" and "Avodah Zarah" later, since their misinterpretation is important).
(They thus consider that spelled “Minim”, singular is “Min” and their teaching “Minuth”, as meaning foremost Christians, there are many occurences of this in Talmud… Originally it meant just Jewish heretics, but Maimonides clearly redefined it to include Christians, and it is thus now explained on many places in commentary in English edition of Talmud books...)
Then, what they spell there “apikorsim”, in Talmud commentary is clearly spelled “Epicurean”. For example in Talmud Sanhedrin (*) 90a (on bottom of page 387 in capital letters, and related remark 32 on page 389), what they mean by “Epicurean”, but it occurs on multiple other places there…
Then, in Maimonides book "Laws of Kings and Wars" (hebrew in WikiSource) verse 8:11 (in some editions it is 8:14) writes:
שלא קבל מצות שנצטוו בני נח הורגים אותו אם ישנו תחת ידינו
My exact translation: "that who did not accept commandments those commanded to sons of Noah, they will be killed, if being them under our hands".
In English edition they translate this same sentence: "For any non-Jew who is under our jurisdiction and fails to accept the Noahide Commandments is executed".
(You can pick that hebrew sentence above to clipboard and find it in hebrew Wikipedia page "Seven laws of Noah" linked from English page Seven laws of Noah or Noahide, where it is prefixed by כל גוי "all goyim"... Is WikiSource of "Laws of Kings and Wars" incomplete missing "all goyim" or was it added elsewhere or just in some manuscript copy? Does it make any significant difference?) Current Wikipedia pages making it look quite innocent are just a deception, I've missed them repudiating the Talmud and Rambam Maimonides originals yet... Do you believe their Exegesis will follow Wikipedia, or Talmud and Rambam originals ?
Adherents of Maimonides are not your or mine friends, not at all. Unfortunately, it is a chief authority of Cha-bad rabbis, those with black hats, and I somehow missed their clear rejection of these ideas as null and void… (As a side-note, did you notice, that whenever they should write the word God, they visually strike it out as G-d ? So much they hate Him… That's why I tend to write them off as Cha-bad …)
Judaism is so deeply intertwined with Hatred of majority groups that it almost can't be worse on Ideological level… It is irreparable and would soon be discarded, they will themselves better relinquish that wrong heritage…
Then consider, “Avodah Zarah” (which means “Foreign Service”, also spelled “Avodas Zarah”) in Talmud and mostly in Ben Mammon's book of that name (“Ben Mammon” literally “Son of Devil” – see Lk 16:13 that “Mammon” is opposite of God, i.e. it can be considered another name of Devil. This Ben Mammon is also known as Maimonides or Rambam (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon), with full original Arabic (sic!) name "Abu Imran Musa bin Maimun bin Ubaidallah al-Qurtabi" which I've translated via Wiktionary lookups as "Civil Father son of Baboon son of Servant of Allah the Cold Medicine" but I'm not sure about that my translation) . It fulminates against supposed “Idolatry”, which is supposed to be foremost the Christianity, but in original there is “Avodah Kokavim” (“Service to Stars”), and then medieval “censor” changed it to “Avodah Zarah” (“Foreign Service”, allegedly meaning idolatry or service to false deities allegedly including Jesus). But I rather think, that it means, what is there written, that it is about “service to stars”, from the Judaism hexagram star and Communist and Muslim pentagram star possibly until NATO tetragram star, and it is about “foreign service”, the treason of foreign loyalty… That is what possibly deserves all kinds of those punishments as written, not as misleadingly explained by rabbinic liars, unless it is a satanic nonsense as a whole… (((You))) yourself would better reject that wrong heritage…
As Pharisees in Mishna and Talmud Sanhedrin 90a write (while all or most of the wording or explanation in Mishna and Talmud is inherently bad and evil), that there is no place in future world for עבודת כוכבים services of stars ("Avodot Kokavim", and I've included their examples in that black-hat-pyramid image I've posted earlier), later explained or modified as עבודה זרה foreign service ("Avodah Zarah" - in my exegesis it means "treason of foreign loyalty"), and for the hedonists ("Epicureans" - vain people indulging in pleasures like pigs without striving for any other meaning of their lives) , but Talmud and it's commenters have modified it to mean Christians and Blasphemers against their Religion and God. I mean, that it shall be accomplished by them rejecting those blunders, when they come to realize that those "stars" are blunders, and the public shall absolutely abominate and distrust anyone, who dares to spread such propaganda of those "stars", since you do not want to be brainwashed, but not as Talmudists tried to modify it, that they (we) should be executed. As I've included the NATO star in that image later after the former stunt I've used it first, I do not mean to dismantle NATO, the balance of powers is needed, but I mean that they should stop their warmongering lies and better abide with the original statement of being a collective defense, and not a muscle arm to gain profits of military-industrial complex gangsters...
So knowing this, you may better understand their Motives behind the current Covid Vax Genocide...
(Just by some pure coincidence™, last part of that Son of Devil Ben Mammon (Rambam, Maimonides, chief authority of Judaism) original Arabic name is القرطبي al-Qurtabi most probably meaning "Ice-cold Medicine" (? * - maybe "qur" is "cold" only in hebrew?), and this Genocidal mRNA Vax to fulfill his plans is among the coldest medical devices ever...)
(This section was an excerpt from my text WPoHC - Wider Perspective of Holocaust Cult from 2019...)
From the beginning, the Covid fearmongering had a single purpose - to push and coerce The People into taking that treasonous modRNA vax, developed most probably by Jews at DARPA under Michael Goldblatt, then moved to Moderna under Tal Zaks to outsource profits, then moved to Pfizer under Albert Bourla as an established manufacturer. Pfizer made initial planned release of their supposed efficacy on anniversary of KristallNacht, as evidenced by Albert Bourla cashing big on this market manipulation in a stock sale planned three months ahead onto this very date. Why KristallNacht anniversary?
It's not a coincidence there are so much Jews behind the Vaxxine, and it was not just a pure luck™, that they worked on this long in advance...
All previous experiments on animals led to Anti-body Dependent Enhancement (ADE), which amplifies effects of the illness, and all those vaxxinated animals died when exposed to real sickness... So they skipped animal safety trials this time...
The spike-protein bio-weapon itself causes Cardio-vascular diseases , damages all body from brain to ovaries, and is spilled from the vaxxinated shoulder throughout whole body, and Pfizer knew this from the beginning, as witnessed by English-language tables included in Japanese scientific paper, citing Pfizer's own research...
In the people, who did not receive placebo, the vaxxine grows iron spikes (SPIONs - super-paramagnetic iron oxide nano-particles), which are magnetic, which means they will receive electro-magnetic radiation like an Antenna. Sufficiently strong EMG pulse will kill not only mobile phones of those people... (Because if people started to die slowly, the remnant could revenge... This way they'll kill all in one swoop, after injecting them with the Antennas? -- This is just a theoretical conjecture...) (Which date do you think they would select for the EMP Genocide of all the vaxxinated? Would it be Purim? No one knows yet.)
Some respected scientists and doctors warn, that it could be a Binary Poison - first they'll inoculate all, and then they'll release the illness, that will kill those vaxxinated. (Just these doctors naively suspect Chinese and they don't dare to say anything about the Jews, who are the real perpetrators of this...)
And they hastily returned all troops from abroad, from Afghanistan and Iraq with announced symbolic completion date 9-11 (regardless if it will be sooner), so that they receive the killing jab with the rest and do not pose Revenge threat to the Perpetrators from abroad... Their Cultural-Marxist brainwashing is just a distraction...
It seems the spike-protein bio-weapon is shedding from vaxxinated people and harming also the other people in close contact, mostly women...
There were many miscarriages, and dead breast-fed babies after their mother received the vax, which they recklessly pushed also to pregnant and breast-feeding women without any proper testing, after they were warned of probable possibility of these effects in advance...
At first it seemed we would have multiple choices, but they effectively precluded all other than mRNA. For example after exorbitant reporting about “extremely rare” blood clots only in AstraZeneca vax while suppressing similar reports about others, they renamed it as VAXZEVRIA, which is Hebrew “Vax causing wolves to cry” - an impudent signalling to all Jewish Media, that they can and should slander just this one. Johnson & Johnson had problems with hygienic conditions in manufacture and their vax will be shipped elsewhere instead... All in the West were forced into that mRNA corner on purpose... (And they are striving very hard to inoculate all, so that there does not stay a control sample of healthy unvaxxinated population, same tactic as used in child vaxxines...)
So far about half of Vax Jabs were just a Placebo. Which is why they plan to make “boost” shots this autumn to finalize that Genocide.
They were already preparing some American ziophilic sects for the "Rapture" Hoax, so that they would not be surprised, when their neighbors will suddenly die...
So far, almost everywhere they started to vaxxinate, a massive wave of another Covid started sharply, because this vaxxination helps to breed new variants. So this Vax and all the variants it created combined could be considered Covid-21, unless they'll come up with something even worse from their Bio-labs...
This is why the God displayed on the Sun warning about Covid-21 on start of May 2021, literally writing "Jewish Evil Vax, Covid Moderna" among other inscriptions.
And a little while later, these inscriptions followed: "evil, Semite Vax, Semite suicide, soon, Hell Vaxx" (*) .
If not only Fascist Corporations and States, but also your "Religious Leaders" promote this Hellish Genocide, the Mark of the Beast, they are either gullible or corrupted or rather both...
Jewish BigTech giants - Google Twitter Facebook and Others are already guilty of mass murder by Covid, because if they did not suppress Informations about Treatments, the People would know about them, demand them and get them, and hundreds of thousands of "Covid" victims could have been spared...
Reading Revelation 13, the Beast is Covid, the Image of the Beast is that mRNA protein image, which they worship so much, and Mark of the Beast is the vaxxination passport, combined it violates all 10 points of Nuremberg Code, many Bio-Ethics declarations and basic Human Rights...
Compliance is Complicity, it helps the Fascists to exert pressure on other people, it is stupid, selfish and evil to comply with these wrong and evil rules harming your neighbours...
Now it starts to seem, that instead those vaxxinated will be locked into quarantines and prevented from flying (*) , because of danger of blood clots, and because of bio-weapon spike-protein shedding... Rev13:10 »Who leads into captivity, into captivity shall go...«
In summer 2012, in London Olympic Games opening ceremony, which is a cultural event of a decade watched by over a billion of people, and a cultural event of a century for London, where they've shown their "best", they played literally "Pandemic Corona 19" from China, vaxxination and mass sterilization, followed by scene referencing verse 2K2:11 "the Believer departed to heaven", followed by scene "all sins and vanities of the world" concluded with "all dead", and later dancing a "virus recombination and conquering of a cell"... The "Altar" of that Olympic was a burning Coronavirus, with each country's name written on one of the "spike" chalices, which they each later brought home as a trophy...
This was planned in advance, and not by Chinese, and not even by American Intelligence Agencies or Deep State, who are just a muscle arm in this...
Now there are already starting preparations for Nuremberg Trial 2 to sue the perpetrators, but it is too early for this. Consider, that the first Nuremberg Trial occurred in 1946 only after the Fascists were defeated, and not while they were still ruling. And while it's needed to wake people to this wrong-doing as soon as possible, but with the trial better wait, since worst is yet to come, as it's darkest before the dawn...
It's necessary, that as many people as possible will wake up and reject this. My Body My Choice, we will not let us be slaughtered by this reckless Genocide, which is not a blunder, but a well-planned crime...
Ask for Treatments of Covid, they exist and are well known, but many of the Doctors have been scared not to use them...
The Vax is not needed at all, it doesn't even help to prevent spreading the disease, conversely it helps breeding "variants" and spreading them...
People who have had COVID and recovered almost never get sick again from COVID (unless it is just a false-positive from flawed PCR test), so they don't need to be vaxxinated... (*)
Reject participating in all Tyranny, either as enforcer, or as compliant accomplice.
Reject instant profit of not being sanctioned in work or in travel, for the cost of your life a year ahead... A year from now we will see, how many of those vaxxinated died because of that vaxxination...
If they will not entice enough victims, they may abandon the plan altogether...
(((They))) should reject their wrong and evil Heritage, better sooner than too late...
Communists in Commiefornica are draining dams on purpose to create drought and to starve people. The food chains seem on the verge of collapse due to multiple other assaults...
A Revolution in America is needed a lot, but you need Generals to lead you, you cannot fight against all of your Army...
It seems probable, that if some part of the Army will start it, the others would join, because soldiers are also people and most of them despise Communist Marxists, that are going to kill their compatriots including the soldiers themselves, if nothing will be done...
Which part of your System was not subverted completely?
If the Courts wanted or could solve that Election Fraud, they would have already done it... Believing in "Rule of Law" at this point is just naive...
Irresponsible monetary policies of FED and Biden Administration Jews will lead to Economic Collapse anyway (and economists may be even quite optimistic in their collapse predictions), which is described in Revelation 18... I'm just notifying you of what multiple economists already warn about, because I anticipate, that they will try to blame the Revolution of the Collapse they planned and caused...
It seems like a last time to Wake Up...