My claim, that on Ukraine prevailed Democracy of Referendums, where citizens expressed and accomplished, that the land belongs to the people living there, and they can choose other rulers, including across the borders, if the original ones are systematically terrorizing them, over the Western Feudalistic doctrine of "Territorial Integrity", striving to claim, that the land belongs to rulers in distant Capital, and that they can expell or exterminate original citizens whenever they like,
was opposed in a commentary by a reply:
I cannot agree with a democratic referendum, that looks differently, foremost in the time of a conflict.
It's a matter of opinion, and I have such an opinion...
So I replied with questions, here somehow redacted, and I would like to know the answers from anyone having similar stance as that one questioner:
You probably didn't see those people, how joyfully they've been voting in that Referendum, when they've been taking their land and returning with it back to their compatriots...
Here you've got one video example of all others - Donbass - Referendum Moments ...
(and there is excess of women there, because men were fighting on the front and defending their homeland... but even there they've been voting...)
Well, if you can't make referendums during a war, then try to ask them again after a year or two, ceremonially repeat the referendums, how much of them would be thinking even then, that they voted right...
These people cannot be (with clean conscience) neither expelled, nor extradited to the revengeful fascists... We've seen testimonies of torture and repressive treatment and murders in Cherson, Lyman, murders of people with "white ribbon" in Bucha, and torture of prisoners and supposed "collaborators" and political opponents before, as witnessed for example in OBSE report from 2016 ...
Status Quo is the only tranquil path to peace on Ukraine...
And for all of us the understanding, that Proxy war is unfair, when we sacrifice Ukrainians just to harm Russians...
What else is it all about there?!
Zelensky Regime seems to be striving to exterminate Ukrainian men and to expell the rest... Who will re-colonize the half-barren land, original territory of Khazaria? For that also they probably want to wrest Donbas and Krymea from Russians for any price, more so if it is for the "price" of exterminating and expelling Ukrainians...
They'll push them in front of Russian artillery and those will not have any other option, than to defend themselves and their people... Somewhere it is called a "Suicide by Cop", but here they're perpetrating that collectively with a whole (Ukrainian) nation...
And who has a profit from that? They? Us? Neither of these... Arms manufacturers have profits, and suppliers of reconstruction works will harvest profits, and I don't know, who else...?
Ukrainians surely not...
And also smugglers of arms, of humanitarian aid, of organs for transplants from shot Ukrainian soldiers and maybe from others too (are Ukrainians selling children for transplants or was it only a slander?), and of cause also our local beneficiaries... (see recent RT document "Tanks for Kidneys" and possibly multiple other similar older documents - transplant business is nothing new on Ukraine...)
And if they'll conquer their way down until Krymea, then they'll massacre, "punish" or expell the russian-speaking citizens? Is that what we're striving to help them with? Or for whose "land" are they fighting there? They've already sold quite a lot of lands to American (i.e. Jewish) funds, so they don't want to loose the rest...?? Or why do they fight so much for a Territory, sacrificing People for that as a consumable Material...?
In order to kick into the Russian figures, if that piece cannot be "won"...?
What do we strive for there, and what and why are we supporting there ?! What is that "victory", for which we strive so much and support them for?
That someone will Own that who doesn't own that now, and will sacrifice own and opponent's people for that, for an eternal "Glory"...? Or why?
See for ex. - which people live there, by which culture they amuse, and so on...
Thoroughly kick it asunder there and expell them all into Russia, and to torture the rest in the cellars of Ukrainian "gestapo" SBU ? (Probably not all, only thousands of them...)
Or what is that purpose, why we support Ukrainian offensive into the lands, where Russians from Donbas live now...?
But more and more it looks like it is all vain, the Russians are defending bravely, they've pushed the Ukrainian occupants away, and they're repelling the rest, and the more and better weapons we deliver there, the more they'll strive to keep them away from the borders, where their people live...
And of cause the Ukrainian men are dying by hundreds of thousands, and many are crippled... Is it a "good" bargain, for the endeavor of plucking off some territory from the "enemy"...?
Who do you think will like to re-colonize that land? Will they also invite and rush there the (african) migrants? There will be lack of millions of people, maybe tens of millions, when they exterminated some part and a large part has been expelled to the east and to the west... Our local Ukrainians don't seem to be striving to return to their corrupted homeland, or some maybe do but most don't...
So what do we proxy-fight there and who should have profit from that, who sacrifices and losses, and why?
Well, beside that we have quite ruined our lands because of that also... (No, we didn't ruin it here thoroughly, only partially... Wir schaffen das - we will manage that! Regardless of any price... Ehm, but actually - why?)
What do we strive for, when we deliver them weapons and pay their mercenary salaries, so that Ukrainians fight in our stead against Russians? Who or rather what and why do those Ukrainians supposedly "liberate" from the citizens, who are living there now?!
And also try to explain me, which of these "Questions" and "Opinions" are
"Disinformations" ? (That our local MSM Media didn't tell you something does not mean it is "Disinformation"... I've tried to support by some link to sources what has a nature of "information" and not just an "opinion"...)
P.A.Semi - πα½ 2023-07-04, translated 2023-07-19