New Jerusalem
It seemed good to me also, having had medium understanding of all things, to write unto you in order, excellent
But today only a remark, how I found that
New Jerusalem while contemplating about your article...
Considering, that remarkable part of the Revelation has already happened or is happening now, foremost the chapter
Rev4, of which I was
(both from the record and in the spirit) a witness
(see SC25 page 6 and following),
and considering that God denoted Biden as
Abaddon Apollyon,
that "Mark of the
Beast 666" is about contemporary Medi-Fascist terror of false vaxxines, as the God had also repeatedly although briefly written,
(and it's a big pitty, that you and they don't understand it enough...),
and also because the seals of the Judgement were being opened in 2020, of which I am a witness also,
but I was contemplating about that "cubic" "City" in vain so far, until recently...

Regarding those "12 precious stones" I've already formerly found, what I consider their meaning, that it is necessary to translate names of those "stones" back to the hebrew language and to find plays on words, which they contain, as is written in the immediately following verse, that there are "
margaritas", pearls or rather proverbs...
I'm not sure, whether that was the original intent, and neither whether I've found
(DL519 pdf) their best meanings, but those twelve foundation "stones" have a reasonable meaning:
- 1. - concealed God (or: apprentice of God, eternal God, vigorous God)
- 2. - be fair
- 3. - be righteous (or: be saint ?)
- 4. - blessing (or: kneeling ?)
- 5. - turn away from vanities (or: wake up creative power, turn away from amassing riches)
- 6. - help neighbours (or: equity of the people ?)
- 7. - rejoice purely (or: love children, fruits of knowledge ?)
- 8. - strengthen brother (or: subtle knowledge ?)
- 9. - open mind for knowledge (or: dispersion ?)
- 10. - guard yourself against poisonous wrath
- 11. - endow faint ones (or: endow weary or weak)
- 12. - brother of heart (or: brother God near)
Similarly, as the meaning of the word "crystal" or "quartz" used there I've comprehended only when I've found it, that it's not transparent, but milky "white" and dim, unlike the other transparent layers, and because of that it can be used to write inscriptions, which the God is recently writing on the Sun occasionally
(and which I did not manage to deliver so far, but that may change sometimes, as I hope...),

so while contemplating about your translation and about the original greek text I pondered about those 12000 "stadiums"
(Zj21:16) and I found them, more precisely there is 11936 of them and something above that...
And it's not a "cube", but a very precise "sphere", which also has length and breadth and height the same.
(And where there is written "foursquare", it probably means "area"? Or 4-dimensional space??)
(σταδιων translated as "furlong" in KJV) is used there to express areal measure.
Photospheric surface area of the Sun divided by the surface area of the Earth is 11936, but if it should describe some layer little above the
(photospheric) surface of the Sun, it could even be those 12000 precisely...
(Rs=696.040e6 m ±60km, Re=6.371e6 m, A(R)=4*π*R2, As/Ae=11935.8, for Rs=696.176e6 it's As/Ae=11940.5)
But above the photospheric surface of the Sun there is a layer of ultra-violet clouds, which is approximately 4850 ±50 km high, which is 1/143.5
(1/142 .. 1/148) part of the radius of the Sun, as there was originally written in
Rev21:17: »and he measured the wall of it 144 limbs fraction, that is of messengers-angels«. The word "cubit" or "elbow" or a "limb" here expresses that part of the Sun, which is sideways visible as a
(Solar) "limb". Original word μερος απου
(meros-apou - fraction of the whole) was probably during transcriptions replaced with μερ** ανου
(mer** anou - in Codex Sinaiticus it is unreadable in the right column on page 293) with an over-line as an abbreviation for "human"
(anthropos) and later replaced with μετρον ανθρωπου
(metron anthropou - the measure of a man). Angelic is not the measure of a man, but that Solar "wall" of ultra-violet clouds... The word αγγελος "Angel" means "Messenger"...
And indeed the only place far and wide from here, where there is not and is not needed either Sun or Moon, is directly on the Sun,
which is similar, as that "angel"
(Rev14:6), flying in the "midst of sky"
(or heaven?) εν μεσουρανηματι
(Strong's dictionary G3321: "the highest point in the heavens, which the sun occupies at noon").
Where is such a place, when if from here below if the Sun at noon is at the center of the sky, from another place it is already evening or night and the Sun is near the horizon or below that? Only on the Sun itself there is a place, where the Sun is always at the noon...
But if that was written there literally, do you know, how much people in the medieval times would burn their eyes while observing in vain, whether that "angel" is already flying there ?
Foremost you
must not stare into the Sun using binoculars or telescope with your eyes, it burns retina faster, than you would expect
(reportedly it's much faster, than in a second?), and reportedly it does not hurt soon enough... Astronomers have special filters for that...!
(Remember, how scouts sometimes ignite paper with a magnifying glass... Eye is much more sensitive, than a paper.)
These inscriptions on the Sun are visible in extra-ultra-violet light
(EUV 193A), visible only from the orbit, because here below they are shielded by an ozone layer...
(And it is necessary to boldly enhance contrast compared with that, how the scientists usually look on them on the pictures from NASA...)
And some of these inscriptions are also in the surface magnetic field of the Sun...
About the necessity to observe that from the orbit
(and transmit that here down onto Earth) the verses at the beginning of the chapter
Rev21 write - »... heaven and earth passed away ... descending
(coming down) from God to the ground ...«
I understand, which relation the Christians have regarding the "Solar cults", but ask, whether is the God obliged to obey your fallacious
(mistaken) Dogmas?
Consider the Sibyl's prophecy - "
haec est ara coeli" - "this is the Altar of Heaven", which is also depicted on a fresco in the Emauzy monastery in Prague...
It was mistakenly explained, that "Altar of Heaven" is Virgin Mary, but as a priest holding communion bread over the altar, she is holding Christ on the Altar, which is the Sun.
And of cause it is not possible to mistake the God and the Altar.
(And in that prophecy there was not originally said, that Virgin Mary is an "altar", that arose from misunderstanding, similarly as in Rev12 there is not said, that the woman with twelve stars should be Virgin Mary, foremost if it is obvious today, that the woman from Rev12 is "Europe", and certainly she's not "Saint", which is not written in Rev12 either... It's written there, so that proud Americans and Russians would be compliant to admit, that the Son of Man comes from the womb of old Europe...)
Theophilus also asks and probably correctly answers by the words of st. Basil the Great, what does it mean in the beginning of the book of Genesis, that
Spirit of God moved upon (the face of) the waters. I would remark to that, that in original there is "beside waters", there is a word "
al-pney" literally meaning "upon face", but always used in the sense of "
beside" or "
in front of". I think it is in the fourth spatial dimension beside our three-dimensional space, here everywhere nearby...?
(It is an interesting theory appropriate for our level of knowledge in the 21st century...)
And Theophilus also
asks: "For what are God's Writings for us?" In this case particularly - the inscriptions, which the God sometimes writes on the Sun?
I thing it is foremost so that we recognize and remedy some of our Mistakes... Because those, who consider themselves to be Infallible, rather retain their Faults and Blunders, because they are not able to find and correct them...
People in today's accelerated time became disinclined to read longer texts. For an Epistle it is still short, for a web article it is rather long?
It's also possible to abbreviate that: »
New Jerusalem (from the Book of Revelation) is on the Sun!«
(But you would not appraise the depth of such an abbreviation, because the shorter is the text, the more it is necessary to contemplate about it to fully understand it...)
πα½ 2022-02-22
PS: That "Temple of Peace", that "collapsed" today, and about which the Sibyl's prophecy in Emauzy monastery writes, was wrong... It is right, that Putin decided to defend the brave Russians of Donbass from the Ukrainian terrorists and Western instigators. It's a pity, that Euro-Jews would "shoot us in the foot" because of that by blocking NordStream 2 and by prolonging the Energetic Crisis, which they've induced...
(I hope it would not be worse...) I was preparing that article already from the morning, since because of palindrom date
(22.02.2022) it was not possible to postpone it any more, I've wasted 14 days from original letter to the "Theophilus" by measuring that Solar radius...
During the time I was writing that text, there has been displayed on the Sun:
Putin, aid Lug - most probably meaning "Putin, aid Lugansk", and adding to that once more Путин in azbuka...
(The name Putin was there during that day not much clearly probably also before that...)
For those reading this later - 2022-02-22 Putin recognized sovereignty of Donetsk and Lugansk, Russian-speaking republics, which became independent seven years ago, when Fascists on Ukraine with the help of Western agents overthrew local regime and started to terrorize local Russian-speaking citizens on the east...
Mere Economic oppression
(for example seemingly unjust taxes) does not entitle to the independence, but ethnically directed terror is a reason for independence endeavour, foremost if local Parliament proclaims that and Citizens approve that in Referencum. That is
Democracy in practice...
Insisting on sovereignty of overlords from the remote center against the will of local people is
Feudalism, and ethnic terrorizing of citizens is Nazism...
And of cause the West is afraid of such Democracy, because then the Kurds, Catalans, Flemings and others would like to become independent too...
Regarding the image, on the upper left there is NASA original, as the scientists are observing it, being interested in those white areas, which are around the sunspots. Then as the contrast is enhanced, in order to see the darker inscriptions in solar clouds. In the bottom line the contrast is enhanced even more. Then there are the inscriptions traced by lines...
It does not
(almost) matter to me, that it is not much well arranged, it is important, that those shapes of letters are there, and that is has a relation to the present happenings...
I don't know, whether did I read that "aid Lug" correctly...? Perhaps ask God, why doesn't He write it more readable?
I download those images from NASA after midnight UTC, and that the God writes there about Putin I noticed only late in the night, I would have mention that originally, if I knew it...